Certainly a man of taste: founder of the French Institute of Taste and author of “The Child and Taste in the Family”.
Jacques Puisais defends the idea that it is absolutely essential to educate the palate of our toddlers, from a very young age.
Indeed, children's attraction to industrially processed products is not by chance. These products are designed around sugar, fat and salt, all textures and tastes that naturally appeal to little ones.
For 40 years, many manufacturers have been marketing products tested and formulated to be appreciated and adopted from an early age. Sweets, sweets, pastries, spreads, cakes, prepared meals? so many products with little concern for nutritional balance and yet already strongly anchored in the new dietary heritage of our little darlings. It's not easy for homemade products to claim a place of choice in the midst of this abundance of industrial temptations.
However, be reassured and don't throw in the towel. Indeed, a child's genes push him to imitate what his parents eat and to prefer what they are used to eating. You just need to show them the way in terms of taste approach, and train their appetite for healthy, varied and unprocessed products, so that they later reproduce the same pattern.
And so the whole family benefits from the example given to the children. By teaching them the taste of good things, raw products, simple to prepare, you also preserve your health capital.
Jacques Puisais has been fighting against childhood obesity for 40 years and his method is today relayed in France by the national food program.
To find out more: www.jacques.puisais.over-blog.com